Real Results From Real Electric Utilities

REI Utility Services provides utility management solutions designed specifically for electric utilities. Our services integrate seamlessly with your operations, providing the support you need to focus on serving your members.

We measure our success by the success of our electric utility partners. Each project we undertake represents more than just a service—it represents a partnership that makes a real difference in your long-term operations.

REI Team Members in the field

Check out our case studies below to see how we’ve helped electric utilities across Texas and beyond streamline operations, improve efficiency, and better serve their members.

Communication Audit and Joint Use Management

Client Name:
Tri-County Electric Cooperative

Aledo, TX

Year Completed:

Client’s Description:
Tri-County Electric Cooperative is among the largest cooperatives in the state, serving approximately 105,000 members across 16 counties. They manage 9,660 miles of power lines and 136,800 meters.

Needs and Results:
Tri-County Electric Cooperative, located in a rapidly growing area, has seen a significant rise in communication companies attaching to their poles. REI stepped in to assist by managing attacher permits, from negotiating pole license agreements to overseeing the entire permitting process, including billing. In 2023, REI conducted an attachment audit to update their billing and system, identifying attachment locations and addressing any NESC violations.

Phasing and Inventory

Client Name:
Floresville Electric Light and Power

Floresville, TX

Year Completed:

Client’s Description:
Floresville Electric Light and Power is a municipal electric provider serving rural areas and four small cities, with approximately 15,908 members. 

Needs and Results:
They required assistance in updating their system maps and equipment. REI conducted a comprehensive pole inventory, mapping all lines, equipment, and meters while phasing the system to ensure accurate updates. This effort supported their staking and load management processes.

GIS Mapping

Client Name:
Cherokee County Electric Cooperative Association

Rusk, TX

Year Completed:

Client’s Description:
Cherokee County Electric Cooperative Association is a rural East Texas cooperative that maintains 3,300 miles of power lines, serving over 16,000 members and more than 21,000 meters.

Needs and Results:
Cherokee County Electric Cooperative Association needed support in updating their system maps to improve accuracy and efficiency. REI deployed field crews to locate and map all poles within their network with sub-meter precision. On the back end, REI processed and formatted the collected data to seamlessly integrate into their software, ensuring it met all GIS requirements.

5-mile Utility Relocation along US 175 for TxDOT Mobility Project

Client Name:
Cherokee County Electric Cooperative Association

Rusk, TX

Year Completed:

Client’s Description:
Cherokee County Electric Cooperative Association is a rural East Texas cooperative that maintains 3,300 miles of power lines, serving over 16,000 members and more than 21,000 meters.

Needs and Results:
Cherokee County Electric Cooperative Association required assistance in managing and overseeing the forced relocation of overhead utilities resulting from a TxDOT Mobility Project along US 175 in Cherokee County. REI identified the overhead electric lines affected by the project route and carried out the necessary work and research to facilitate an agreement between CCECA and TxDOT. This agreement ensures that CCECA is fully reimbursed for all costs associated with the required relocation, including contracting, easements, fieldwork, design, staking, construction, and project management—all of which were handled or overseen by REI.

6-mile Utility Relocation along US 271 for TxDOT Mobility Project

Client Name:
Lamar Electric Cooperative

Blossom, TX

Year Completed:


Client’s Description:
Lamar Electric Cooperative is a rural North Texas co-op that maintains about 2,500 miles of power lines, serving nearly 10,000 members and over 13,000 meters.

Needs and Results:
Lamar Electric Cooperative needed support in managing and overseeing the forced relocation of overhead utilities due to a TxDOT Mobility Project along US 271 in Lamar County. REI assessed the overhead electric lines affected by the project route and conducted the necessary work and research to facilitate an agreement between LEC and TxDOT. This agreement secures TxDOT’s reimbursement of over 90% of the costs for the required relocation, covering contracting, easements, fieldwork, design, staking, construction, and project management—all of which were overseen or executed by REI.

Get In Touch With REI

Office Location:

710 Lucas Dr.
Athens, TX 75751

Hours of Operation:

Monday – Thursday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Saturday – Sunday: Closed


